Friday 21 August 2015

How to Develop a Reading Culture in Children

Like they say, “Children are the leaders of tomorrow”. However, have we stopped to think – what kind of leaders they would be if they don’t develop the culture of reading. Knowledge is indeed power; this is why we should train our children in knowledge and power. It is true that children can be lazy and more interested in TV, video games and what not; but there should be a balance by infusing books into their routines.
In the following paragraphs, we shall learn how to develop a reading culture in our children.

Lead by Example
First and foremost, if we’re going to develop a reading culture in our children, we also need to read too. Read for pleasure, information, instructions, connecting with others, and so on. Make your child know that by reading, you have learnt so many fantastic things. Just read a little more than you’ve been reading lately. Your children are more likely to read if they see you reading regularly. It is also important that you provide enough reading materials for all the children in your house. Making books available and being a good role model will certainly prompt your children to adopt a reading culture.
Incentivize Your Child’s Reading Behaviour
You do not have to bribe your child into reading. Incentivizing means positively reinforcing his reading behaviour and encouraging him to make reading part of his lifestyle. For example, you could offer to drive your child to his favourite bookstore to pick out more books after he finishes his current one; you could visit his favourite movie or music store to pick up a movie or a music CD related to a book that he read. You may also encourage your child to read for a certain upcoming and fun activity such as a vacation, a trip to the mountains, a project to construct a pet pen. When children have a reason to read, they are more likely to pick up that book and dig into the literature.
Organize a Read-a-Thon
Trust me your children will love this. Organize a ‘Read-a-Thon’ perhaps during their holidays for your children and their friends in school. Get the consent of other children’s parents and make the setting fun by letting them come in their PJs, pillows and stuffed animals. Let them choose their favourite books or select a “challenge book.” Make sure to make snacks, chocolate and drinks available for them. Have them summarize the book in their own understanding and give them rewards.
Let your Child Choose
One of the best ways to encourage your child to read is to allow him or her to pick out the books. It is needless to force your child to read science books when he or she is more interested in comics. The more unstructured the choice of reading is, the more likely children will gravitate to those books or genres which they enjoy – The greater variety of books to which they have access, the more probable it is that they will find something that they love – And of course you still get to shape the general direction of books to which they have access to; in doing so, there is every opportunity for your child to select those books which conform to your own values and beliefs.
Let your child read at his comfort level
Most of the time, parents assume that their children are at a certain reading level because of their age; they may even say things like “this is where he should be now.” Instead, assess the independent reading level of your child and guide him or her to read texts at that level as well as texts at a slightly lower and slightly higher level. This practice encourages comfort with many different reading materials and validates the fact that authentic readers read at a variety of levels.
Create an Environment for Reading
Create a comfortable reading nook that will entice your children to want to curl up and read. Just the act of creating space can take away the distractions and help your child focus on reading. Children can opt to read in their bedroom, but it is best when you have a common reading area that is quiet and cozy for everyone. Some kids may prefer to read outdoors at their favourite spot; let them snuggle there and enjoy their book. In making room for reading, it is a good idea to minimize TV time and to free your child from some house chores so he can spend adequate time reading.

Have you learned a thing or two? Do you have some other ideas? Please share with us in the comment box below.

Ways to Improve your Posture

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

While growing up as a little girl, my mum will always tell me “sit right”, “stand properly”, “straighten your back” or “walk straight”. Pheww!! It was annoying for me because I really did not understand why she was always correcting me, as I didn’t see anything wrong with how I walked, sat or stood.
Today, looking back, I realise that all those corrections helped me maintain a very good posture. Being a girl on the tall side, I have tendencies to slouch or arch my back when I sit, but I actually don’t.
In the following paragraphs, we shall learn some tips to improving posture as having a poor posture can lead to discomfort and even long-term health problems.

  • Stand with your back against a door or wall, with the back of your head, your shoulders, and your butt touching the wall. If it feels awkward and uncomfortable, don’t worry– as you develop good posture habits and train your body, it will feel uncomfortable to not stand this way.
  • Think about how your shoulders are right now. Are they hunched forward or heading towards your ears? If yes, then you’re going to get aching muscles. Consciously drop and relax your shoulders so that they’re hanging loosely. Also beware of pulling them too far backward; they should be dropped into a natural position and not clenched up. They should also be level, and not have one higher than the other.
  • Good posture while standing is a straight back, squared shoulders, chin up, chest out, stomach in, feet forward, your hips and knees in a neutral position. If you can draw a straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee, to the middle of your ankle— you’ve got it.
To find yours; use a mirror, align your ears, shoulders, and hips. Proper alignment places your ears loosely above your shoulders and above your hips. Again, these points make a straight line, but the spine itself curves in a slight ‘S’.

  • Most of us have very sedentary jobs and spend our entire working day sitting at a computer or desk- which is bad news for our posture. One way to counteract this is to get up every 30 minutes and walk around or stretch. This will help your body loosen up and avoid your body getting stiff.

  • Align your back with the back of the office chair. This will help you avoid slouching or leaning forward, which you may find yourself doing after sitting too long at your desk.
  • As with standing posture, keep your shoulders straight and squared, your head is upright, and your neck, back, and heels are all aligned.
  • Keep both feet on the ground or footrest (if your legs don’t reach all the way to the ground).

  • Walking with good posture is simply an extension of standing with good posture. Keep your head up, shoulders back, chest out, and eyes looking straight ahead. Avoid pushing your head forward.
  • High heels may look great, but they’re bad news for your posture. When you’re wearing heels, you force your body to stand differently in order to maintain your balance. So higher heels are best saved for occasional use. If you do wear them more often, try to alternate with smaller heels.
  • One problem for women is that they’re often carrying heavy shoulder bags around, which pull the shoulders out of alignment and cause them to ache. The best bag for posture is a rucksack, but whatever type of bag you carry, check your posture when you’re walking, and don’t let your shoulders hunch up to keep your bag in place.
  • Like your shoulders, hips, and back, your feet and ankles have a proper alignment. Properly aligned feet and ankles should face forward, rather than turn inward or outward when walking.

Habits Of A Successful Woman

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

Being a successful woman isn’t a day’s job. It requires body, mind and soul building. Many of us go through our lives, envious of our neighbour’s success, not knowing all the failures and hard work they put in.
Success is not limited to your race, IQ level, educational qualification or the size of your bank account. So while there’s no proven formula, there’s no denying that there are some habits that just makes everything you do a lot better. Here are some of them…

Trust yourself and you will feel the change. Many women are aware of their qualities, but they just find it hard to say what they really want. Being able to say what you need and being clear about the things that matter to you are crucial for being a successful woman in whatever you endeavour in.  Also, have in mind that having confidence is a skill; ou may not be able to express yourself right away, but exercise will help you a lot.

Times have changed and people today tend to explore more talents, which is great! Why not use that, and find different solutions to your problems? Be it at home or in the office, always think outside the box to solve situations for cases that seem to be like bottle neck. For example, you need to hire someone for interior deco, but the budget doesn’t cover that; all you could do is think outside the box and you may find that other talented freelancers everywhere that could do it for a lower price.

Hard work
Make your own high-performance culture by setting targets for yourself. Not everyone is good in taking over situations and bringing the best out of it, but if you are a good problem solver and a leader, then you should know about a few tricks that could help you in your career. Firstly, write down objectives with clear deadlines. Then, do the check-ups frequently.  Be sure to give everyone clear feed-backs and rewards for everything they did well. Treat your team members like you have many goals in common. Don’t settle for good, let your aim be excellence.

Studies suggest meditation alleviates anxiety, pain and prevent depression. It can also improve your ability to focus instead of getting overwhelmed with everything that’s happening around you. Unfortunately, quieting the mind doesn’t come naturally to everybody. So for beginners, you can create the habit of meditating by concentrating on your breath for 3-5 minutes, which is the average starting point of new meditators. Yoga is also very good for your mind.

Successful people have all the resources they’ll ever need to keep themselves fit and healthy. They can afford Botox, liposuction, and spa retreats, yet, exercise is still a part of their daily habits. Why? Because exercise keeps you fit and all that, but it also keeps your brain healthy, minimizes stress, and improves memory. In fact, using ‘too much work’ as an excuse not to exercise is counterproductive. Studies show that exercise can boost creativity and productivity by as much as two hours.  It makes you smarter, too.

Acquire Knowledge
Think book nerds are losers? It’s quite the opposite, actually. Last I checked, they rule the world. Try to evolve as much as you can. Remember that your learning doesn’t end with college. Back in the days, your obligations were to attend classes, but now that you are an adult woman you need to work on your education. There are many courses today on sites such as Coursera that offer free knowledge for all kinds of professions. There is no reason not to challenge yourself in order to learn more. Never feel that you have acquired enough knowledge. Like they say, no knowledge is a waste.

Getting Engaged – Preparing for the D-day

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

It’s a beautiful thing to be in love with someone that the shares same feelings and dreams as you and it is a more beautiful when that person drops down on one knee, pulls out the ring and pops the question – “will you marry me”. I know some of you ladies reading this are already dreaming of that day to come while others may be wondering what this article is about.
In the following paragraphs, we will be discussing on some lifestyle changes being engaged and preparing for the D-day of tying the knots.

Dealing with Haters
Believe it or not, no matter how much of a sweetheart and goodie two shoes you are, there’s usually at least one person, who may come off as less supportive or elated as the rest of your friends and family. If this doesn’t happen to you, be thankful, because you’re in the minority. So, it is very important to be observant and sensitive about the people around you and their reaction to your good news. A not-so-positive reaction to your good news is a reflection of that person (not you). Try as much as you can to cut off accusative and negative conversations such persons may bring up in order to make you feel bad about yourself or your decision. Don’t dwell on negative feedback. Focus on the positive—you’re getting married to your lover!

Getting closer to Family and Friends
Perhaps you may have been too busy with your career, your relationship and what not. Well, this period is your chance to get closer to the people that love you- your family and friends. Remember your generous uncles and favourite aunties; tell them about the good news promptly and you’d be shocked at how much support you’d get from them. Make out time for you and your besties to hang out and catch fun recounting the proposal to them. It doesn’t end there; they’ll always call you up to keep abreast of the wedding preparations and date. You can use the help you get from them.

Watch Wedding Movies and TV shows
Whether or not you’ve seen dozens of wedding movies or stalked on peoples wedding posts on various social media platforms, you may now find yourself more interested in wedding movies and shows. Watch movies like “Father of the Bride”, “My Best Friend’s wedding” and “Rachel Getting Married”— and don’t feel bad about sitting through and enjoying the hours you spend online searching for dresses, shoes and what not. This is one of those guilty wedding pleasures you’re totally allowed to indulge in while you’re engaged.

Your Hand, Your Muse
You have this amazing new piece of jewellery on your finger. That alone, plus the once-in-a-lifetime significance of the symbol, is enough to make you want to stare compulsively at your ring finger. Even if you’re not a “jewellery person,” you’re still obsessed. Everyone is going to want to see the ring, so get a manicure and be careful gawking at your hand while driving or crossing busy intersections! It is advisable not to wear the ring in places where you could be robbed. The feeling of losing the ring may hurt much more than you can imagine – that can be a sign of bad luck.

Telling your Date
You know how it goes: Everyone is excited. Some of your family and friends are already asking for details. If you have no idea where and when the wedding will be, come up with a blanket statement you can use whenever someone asks. Say something like, “We’re so excited just being engaged right now. I’m sure there will be plenty of time to figure out the details in the coming months.” They’ll take the hint.

Dealing with an Ex
In as much as I hate to include this, the truth is, some exes don’t know when to stop stalking you. At this moment you want to make sure you focus on the new step you’ve taken with your partner and stay off dates from exes and stalkers. They may even have some bad intention planned out for you. So stay safe and tell your partner about anything that comes up with your ex.

Sex Positions That Effortlessly Replaces The Gym

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

Total Body
Pushing those heavy irons and racing on a treadmill isn’t the only way to work out or boost your strength. Sex can actually build certain muscles, depending on how thoughtful you are with your positions.
Two experts—Madeline Castellanos, MD, a sex therapist in New York City, and Vanessa Castro, a certified personal trainer in Miami—offer tips on which ones to try. Since hitting the gym costs money and time, these free workout sex positions give you the most bang at no cost. The best part is that your partner will be more than happy to help you meet your fitness goals. Let’s go!
Once you’ve mastered the lotus position, which primarily works the lower abs, turn that move up a notch. In lotus lean, you are in the same position, except instead of wrapping your arms around your guy’s back, lean back and place the palms of your hands flat onto the bed with your fingers facing your buttocks. This variation works more of your arms and if you bend your elbows, “it’s like doing a tricep dip,” says Dr. Castellanos.
Glutes and Hamstrings
For this move, get yourself into a lunge position, suggests Dr. Castellanos. Picture this: He’s sitting on a couch or sturdy chair and you’re on top, with your left foot on the sofa and your right foot on the ground. You’ll work your left glute and your right hamstring. When you’re halfway there, switch your legs, so you’ll work both sides of your body evenly. If the chair is high and you have to stand on your tippy-toes, you’ll work your calves, too.
Think of this move as doggy-style with a twist. You’re on all fours on the bed and he’s standing behind you, next to the bed. Then he grabs your upper thighs, lifts both of your legs up into the air and holds them wheelbarrow-style while he thrusts. Instead of supporting yourself mostly with your upper body, you’ll be supporting yourself only with your upper body, so it’s an excellent workout for your deltoids (shoulders). “It feels like suspension training, like TRX,” says Castro.
Upper Abs
This legs-up position requires a decent amount of hamstring flexibility, so to warm up, touch your toes a few times beforehand. Lie on your back and put the backs of your thighs against your guy’s chest. You can either stick your feet straight into the air or bend them over your guy’s back, depending on what’s most comfortable for you. Then lift up your head and shoulders into a crunch during sex, recommends Dr. Castellanos, which will tone your tummy and blast away belly fat.
Upper Abs
Upper Abs
Lower Abs
In lotus, face your man and sit on top of him. In this intimate pose that involves deep eye contact and kissing, your arms and legs are wrapped tightly around his back and his arms and legs are wrapped tightly around your back. Channel your inner belly dancer, says Dr. Castellanos, and use your lower abs to pull your pelvis up and down. If you’ve ever taken ballet or a barre exercise class, you know that small movements can have huge results.
Lower Abs
Lower Abs
You probably already know what doggy-style means, but in case you need a refresher: You’re on your hands and knees and he’s behind you (either kneeling on the bed or standing next to it). This position forces you to work your upper body, because you have to use your arms to support yourself. To challenge yourself during penetration, “lower your shoulders and do a push-up” says Castro.
Tip: This may be easier to pull off on the floor if your bed is too soft.
Sex Positions
Get into the cowgirl position and then turn it into more of a frog position. It may not sound sexy, but it’s effective! You’re on top, but rather than rest your knees on the bed, rest your feet on the bed, says Dr. Castellanos. As you move up and down, the position essentially becomes a low squat, which largely targets the quads (the front thigh muscles). You can even move forward and backward to work that muscle group more and burn extra calories.
Hip Flexor
Try the scissors pose. You’re both lying on your sides. If your guy is on his right side and you’re on your left side, instead of resting your right leg on top of his torso, raise it to a 30 to 40-degree angle, Dr. Castellanos suggests, and hold it there for as long as you can to work your right hip flexor. The next time you have sex, switch sides. This is considered isometric exercise because you’re not moving your muscle (like when you do bicep curls)—you’re holding it still (like during a plank).
If you don’t want to try anything that’s super acrobatic, try something that’s somewhat simple and keeps you very stable by pumping up good old-fashioned missionary sex with the arch. When lying on your back, keep your head and shoulders on the bed (ideally on a soft pillow), says Castro, and then target your glutes by raising your behind as high as you can and holding it there for as long as you can. After a few seconds, you are sure to feel the burn!
Total Body
Once you’ve gotten the hang of the arch, like the Glutes position, you can try an advanced version called the bridge, which Castro says works even more muscles. Raise your behind again, but this time, use your arms to lift your head and shoulders off the ground too, making a horizontal line with your torso that’s parallel to the bed. It’s like a plank, only you’re facing the ceiling instead of the ground. This single move will target muscles in both the upper and lower body, including the glutes, abs, biceps, triceps and deltoids.
Total Body
Finally, adopting various sexual positions and exercises can be a huge task to some people, but it gets pretty interesting with time and regular practice. It is important to note that just as with exercise, if any of these sex positions cause you some sort of pain, stop and see a doctor for medical checkup.

Why Men Are Occupying The Kitchen

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

This is a topic dear to my heart, do not get me wrong, I love to cook and I am a good cook at that, but how do you react when you get mocked for allowing a guy do the cooking? Well, this topic is not to disclaim the responsibility of a woman in the home, but really, gone are the days when women used their culinary prowess as bait to win men. Guess who’s putting their skill to good use now? Men!
No, we are not talking about the super chefs at star hotels; we’re talking the guy-next-door; the white-collar worker, and the corporate types, who suddenly seem to have gotten very comfortable in the kitchen.
Are you a guy and you are surprised to hear this? Then you are missing out on some actions. Here are some reasons why some men take over the kitchen…
To Impress the Ladies
One of the reasons guys venture into cooking is because they want to impress their mom, girlfriends or wife! It creates some fuss in the house to know that it’s a man cooking and interestingly, that triggers men to indulge in the kitchen to try out dishes. I have many guy friends who can cook really well. While it is a passion for some, there are men who cook to impress with their culinary delights and others pure indulgence in a variety of food. Just as for guys, apparently the way to a woman’s heart can also be through stomach.
IT Professional and Cooking enthusiast, Robin P says, “At a time when both guys and girls live away from their families for education or work, knowledge to cook well becomes a bare necessity”. You can’t expect to have a wife who earns well at the same time cook yummy food regularly. Even though you can manage as a guy with bread toasts or noodles for a while, gradually you will get bored. Hence the need to hit the kitchen.
To Lose Weight
It is healthier to select ingredients to prepare a low fat meal; this explains why some guys take up the responsibility to cook for themselves in order to regulate their food portions and calorie intake.
Being Adventurous with food
Necessity actually pushes men to the kitchen, but, do they really enjoy it there? A chef explains, “Yes. For instance, my fascination for cooking stemmed from helping my mom in the kitchen. Since I stay with my colleagues, I cook at least one meal every day and really love it. I try to incorporate variety often, watch cookery shows and read recipe books, but I’m driven mostly by my instincts when in the kitchen. I love experimenting.”
So for some men it’s all about adventures and discoveries.
Women love it!
Women truly love guys who can cook. I was quite impressed to learn that my boyfriend cooks reasonably well. When asked, a lot of men say it is a way to spark up your relationship as it really helps to get to know each other as well and have a lot of fun while being told what to do or laughed at by the woman watching.
What do you think ladies? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Lifestyle Habits Ladies Need To Adopt Before Clocking 30

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

Most women between the ages of 25-35 tend to ignore their health; most of them are busy juggling careers and family responsibilities while in their thirties and forties. So, here are certain lifestyle changes you must adopt before blowing 30 candles on the cake…. And ironically, that is the time health problems, especially lifestyle-related ones, starts to surface.
Staying healthy commonly involves making good lifestyle choices and decisions, taking precautions to avoid accidental injuries, and following recommendations for preventative care.
Healthy tips for people in their mid-20s to 30s include the following…

Care for your appearance
Protect your skin and eyes from the damaging effects of the sun to reduce your risk for conditions like skin cancer, vision problems and premature aging of the skin. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 that blocks UVA and UVB rays whenever you spend time in the sun. See a dermatologist as recommended to screen for skin cancer and treat existing skin conditions like acne or eczema.
Also, have a dental exam and cleaning every 6 to 12 months, or as recommended.

Personal time
This “indulge in me time” is a must for your mind. Indulge in quality ‘me’ time at least thrice a week. Do anything you enjoy. Once in a fortnight, pamper yourself at a spa, or if your budget doesn’t allow that, get an oil massage done at home. You will feel rejuvenated.

Indulge in some physical activity for at least 30 minutes daily, since exercise is the best way to stay healthy; it need not necessarily be rigorous workouts at the gym. Even something as simple as walking or dancing (choose the exercise you like) will do. A simple measure like taking the stairs instead of the elevator also helps. Exercise regularly and most importantly, stay happy. Meditation and breathing exercises are also good, as they improve blood circulation.

Stop popping pills at random
From painkillers to Paracetamol, ladies often pop pills at the drop of a hat. This will make your body immune to most medication, thus posing a big risk in case of a serious illness.

Reduce smoking and drinking
If you are a smoker, try to get rid of the habit slowly and if that is not possible, at least reduce the number of cigarettes. Nicotine is highly addictive and smoking and tobacco use are associated with a number of serious health problems. Also, make sure your home has working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors on every floor and in every bedroom. Limit your drinking habit to just once a week, that too if you are forced to at a social gathering or so. Do not indulge in hard liquor, opt for some wine instead and never drink and drive!

Avoid eating junk and unhealthy foods high in fat
We are not asking you to follow a strict diet or keep watching your weight, just make sure that you avoid junk. Of course, there are treat days and cheat days, but stick to healthy food habits as much as possible. For example, substitute red meat with chicken or fish, coffee or tea with green tea and so on – you don’t want to end up being overweight and unhealthy. Obesity, high cholesterol and hypertension are some of the major causes of cardiac illness. Keep your heart healthy by limiting the intake of fats. Calculate your body mass index (BMI). A healthy BMI is below 25.

Enough sleep
Sleep for at least six to eight hours daily; it’s a must for overall health. Don’t compromise on your sleep unless in case of an emergency. Sound sleep keeps you fresh and energetic throughout the day. Your sleep time is your rejuvenating time!

Regular heath examinations
Prevention is always better than cure, so make sure you get yourself checked; have a gynaecologic exam, clinical breast exam and Pap test, as studies suggest that sexually active women above 30 face an increased risk of cervical cancer. So, with tests like these every year or as recommended by your physician… it will help you diagnose problems early, if any.

Drink lots of water
Drinking seven litres of water a day is healthy. Make sure you keep drinking water throughout the day; it helps to reduce weight as well. Beginning your day with a glass of warm water mixed with lime and honey, cleanses your system. Also, a glass of water before your meals improves digestion and stops you from overeating.

Living a healthy lifestyle not only keeps you alive and active, it also inspires the people around you. Have you some more lifestyle tip for young women? Please do not hesitate to share in the comment box below.

Home Hazards And How To Prevent Them

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

Your family and home are certainly important. Your home and safety is a key component to creating a warm environment where your family can thrive. Unfortunately, there are a number of hazards hiding in plain sight throughout your home, but, don’t worry; you can fix these concerns pretty easily.
To make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your family safe, here are some safety hazards in the home, along with things you can do to avoid injury and stay out of harm’s way.

Whether it is slipping on a wet floor after a shower or falling down the stairs, injuries due to falls are the most common household hazards. Although a fall may seem to be one of the simplest of hazards, but sometimes, it may end up being one of the worst and as you would suspect, falls are worse for young children and elderly ones too.
Safety Measures
Make your shower safe by using non-slip rubber mats and install extra rails or grab bars if necessary to assist family members old and young in safely getting in and out. Also, make sure that the existing rails and other supports are in good condition and can support your weight.
Make sure all staircases have solid handrails and adequate lighting. Ensure that they are always clear of toys and other items. It is also important to fix safety gates if there are little children in the home.
Make sure that you always use sturdy step stools when getting things in the kitchen or out of closets and keep kitchen floors dry always.
Do not allow children under six years old to climb on bunk beds.
If you have little children, install locks on all cabinets and drawers so that they won’t be able to climb them.
Instruct children who ride skateboards or bikes around the compound to always wear their helmets.

Mostly, poisoning happens to children when they get into cleaning supplies and other household products. Your child may ingest detergents or your body lotion which may look like ice cream.
Therefore, take heed to these safety measures…
Don’t store medications on easy to reach tables or counter tops.
Be aware of where all of the medications in your home are, especially if you have visitors who might leave them in an open purse or bag.
Get rid of any old “watch” type batteries as children can easily swallow them. Consider getting rid of any toys or gadgets that use them.
Place your chemicals high up on shelves rather than down low under kitchen and bathroom sinks where people commonly put them. If possible, store them out in a garden shed outside of the house.
If you have to put chemicals in low cabinets, use baby proof locks and be sure that you can properly close the doors.
Never put household cleaners in old drink bottles or food containers that might confuse a child.

Everything from candles to an unattended iron could lead to an accidental fire in your home, but there is a lot you can do to prevent a fire from starting and causing burns which most people think comes from open flames alone, a huge percentage of burns are actually caused by hot water.
Safety measures
Make sure fire alarms are installed on all levels, and regularly check and change the batteries to make sure you’ll have adequate warning in the unlikely event there is a fire.
Never leave candles unattended or near loose cloth like drapes or throw pillows.
Make sure that all appliances and power outlets are in good working order and that no wires are frayed. Don’t overload electrical outlets, in fact, it is smart practice to unplug small appliances like toasters when not in use.
Most people have their water heater at a much higher temperature than necessary. If the temperature is so high that a child (or adult) can be burned when simply washing his or her hands—it’s on too high. Keep your water heater at a low temperature.
Keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen.
Don’t cook and hold a small baby or child at the same time.
Don’t eat or drink anything hot while a child is sitting on your lap.

Choking and suffocation Hazards
From a bit of dinner going down the wrong way to a youngster accidentally swallowing a small item, choking is scary. The biggest household choking hazards come from small toys and hard foods that easily block airways, like nuts.
Safety Measures
Look around to keep your home choke-free, always inspect toys for loose parts and scour floors for small toys or other items that have rolled under furniture where little hands can easily find them.
Keep Dangers Out of Reach; Be sure to keep small, hard food like nuts or hard candies out of reach of children, and make sure everyone takes time to properly chew their food on the dinner table.

Sharp Objects
It’s not difficult to understand the danger of sharp objects. Unfortunately there are a number of necessary items with sharp edges that are used both inside and outside your home.
Safety measures
Accidents with kitchen knives or graters can lead to a nasty cut that might even need stiches. The best way to steer clear of cutting yourself – or worse – is to make sure all sharp objects are properly stored, and even locked up if there are children in the home.
Rakes, saws, and lawn mowers all present a potential threat. Always clean up tools after use and lock them in a shed or garage where children can accidentally stumble across them. When items are in use, be sure you are free from distractions, and avoid rushing while using a lawnmower or weed whacker.

Paints and Chemicals
Lead was used as an ingredient for some types of household paint to add extra sheen. Scraping this paint can result to lead dust which can be inhaled or ingested.
Safety Measures
Paint: Even paint that isn’t lead-based needs to be properly stored and kept out of reach of children. Never put paint in a container other than the one it came in. If your child mistakes paint for a drink or other item, you can end up in a scary situation.
Chemicals: Keep all household cleaners in a cupboard with a safety lock to keep kids from accidentally finding them.

Squats Or Buttpads – Before You Make A Choice

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

Ok ladies, here’s a topic most of us will be interested in. Thanks to celebrities and their recent craze for bigger backsides and enhanced figures, there’s no more room for the phrase “Skinny is pretty”. Virtually every girl I know is either wearing butt pad or religiously doing the squat exercise… Don’t ask me which I’m doing though.
So the big question is; would you rather wear a butt pad than do squats? Well your guess is as good as mine. The following paragraphs will give us an exposé on the pros and cons of both.

Butt Pads
For those who want curves without the hassle or the cost of surgery and the pains of exercise, padded panties offer instant results but they also come with their disadvantages. Here are the pros and cons-
  • A ‘wear-and-go’ solution, with no work required on your part.
  • The silicone butt pads feel like a second skin.
  • Even after they are washed, adhesive bum pads are still able to effortlessly stick to a variety of materials.
  • Women can experience an enhanced silhouette in seconds with no risk or commitment.

  • The feel of the foam butt pads makes it obvious that a butt-boosting product is being worn.
  • In order to maintain their shape and adhesiveness, butt and hip pads need to be hand washed, which also means they need to be given time to air dry between uses.
  • They may appear when wearing skin tight dresses.
  • The chance of the pad moving from its original position is high.
  • You can get embarrassed when people notice and ask if you’re wearing one.

Squats can offer terrific strength and endurance benefits while toning the legs and enhancing the butt. Here are its pros and cons…

  • You don’t need a gym, you don’t need to purchase any equipment; it is extremely cost effective. Exercise can be done pretty much anywhere and anytime.
  • Doing squat exercises is also beneficial for other parts of your body and it helps you burn calories.
  • Squats also include improved posture. Squats are a great way not only to improve your posture, but also build better balance.
  • Squats tone your butt; it enhances the muscles on your buttock and makes it firm and well rounded.
  • Your thighs are also toned giving you a sexy look.
  • Improves your self-esteem on your appearance.

  • If you’re not used to doing them, squats can be more difficult, than you might have thought.
  • The pain after your first few days of doing squats can be intense and very discomforting.

So, having read this article, which would you rather go for? The effortless and instant transformer (butt pads) or the painful, healthy and butt enlarging exercise (squats)?
Well if you want a rear to be proud of any day, any time, and most especially in a bikini, I’d advice Squats!

How To Prepare Some Delicious Smoothies For The Whole Family.

Written by HF Magazine Staff  | 

Smoothies are terrific, healthy and nourishing drinks for you and your kids. A glass of smoothies is loaded vitamins and nutrients; they are also colourful and full of tasty flavours.
It’s not easy getting kids excited about fruit and vegetables. That’s where smoothie recipes for kids come into play. If you present them a smoothie as something different and give them interesting names, they are more likely to consume their fruits and vegetables in appropriate quantity. Smoothies are a great way to get picky eaters to eat fruit they wouldn’t want to eat ordinarily.
You can make smoothies using the blender from your food processor, but it needs a pretty powerful motor to get through all of that fruit and ice cubes so you might be better off investing in a smoothie maker if you want to make these easy smoothie recipes regularly. You’d also need drinking bottles and smoothie friendly straws.
Here we go…
Watermelon Smoothies – (Total Time: 5 minutes)
Watermelon smoothies are a bit different from other fruit smoothies, because watermelon has extremely high water content which can result in a watery smoothie with little flavour. Hence, I pre-freeze the watermelon for this recipe.
3 cups 1/2-inch chunks of seedless watermelon
1 cup milk
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
3 Tbsp. maple syrup
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 2 watermelon smoothies

Make sure watermelon chunks are fairly small – about 1/2 inch. This is important, because the smaller the chunks, the easier it will be to blend the smoothie. Place watermelon chunks in a blender, top with remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth. Serve chilled. If preparing the watermelon in advance for smoothies later in the week, transfer to a plastic storage bag and freeze until ready to drink.

Soy Banana Blast
This banana smoothie is a lovely drink. This is an especially healthy drink to serve at children’s parties as an alternative to fizzy sugary drinks. This soy & banana smoothie is one thick and fulfilling kiddie’s smoothie. This smoothie recipe contains soy milk which is a great alternative for kids with an intolerance or allergy to dairy produce; it is also good for the development of healthy Bones and Teeth!
1 1/2 bananas, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp. smooth peanut butter
1 cup of soy milk
Yield: 1 Serving

Place the bananas, peanut butter and soy milk into your blender. Process for about 1 minute or until silky smooth. Pour your delicious smoothie into a glass and serve. You could freeze soy milk and bananas prior to preparation in order to have your smoothie chilled.

Mango and Coconut Smoothie Recipe
Give coconut milk a try as an alternative to dairy. Coconut milk is a good source of calcium and it is low in saturated fat.
1/4 ripe mango; pitted, peeled and chopped
2 fl. oz thick coconut milk
Ice cubes
4 fl. oz seltzer
Yields: 1 Serving

Place the coconut milk and mango in your blender and process until smooth. Pour into a glass half filled with ice cubes then top off with seltzer. Decorate your drink with a cocktail stick.


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